Number Story
Graphic Design, Videography, Photography
"The story of your number is the story of your ACE history.
"ACEs are Adverse Childhood Experiences. Our ACE history counts experiences of abuse, neglect and household challenges that happened to us as children. But that number does not define us. It is simply an entry point to our own personal story" (Your Number Story).
Childhood trauma is a subject that requires a lot of sensitivity and consideration when creating for it. The ACE Resource Network and its social media campaign Number Story was a sometimes tough but always hope-full initiative to be a part of with Anonymous Philanthropy.
This initiative provided an unexpected, interesting challenge at times as much of my creative work had to be informed by the science of the field of ACE research. It's parameters like those I worked while on the NumberStory initiative that push creatives to be greater.
Social Video
This episode of the Storyteller Series was the first major production I was tasked with producing. Our mission was to tell the story of Aija Mayrock, a New York City influencer and poet. From pre- to post-production, I was responsible for equipment, shooting, and editing.
My sister Lily was the best PA ever, and Aija was joy to work with :)
Graphic Design

Holiday season 2022. A bilingual, 360-degree campaign as well as a live event, the Found Family Fest, that let people across the country know that we know that holidays can be hard. Sometimes, the jolly holiday season that we see in the movies isn't the reality.
My roles: designer, photographer, videographer, editor.

My personal documentation.
This was so early in my animation career. Can make my edges cleaner and add more pizazz to the text? Yeah. Am I still proud of this years later? Yeah. Little Dillon did good.